Poetry. The fifth book in a series representing the life’s work of the poet, Douglas Blazek. Cover artwork by the author.
"What an amazing gift to receive! Such rich, exquisite work, deeply ingrained with a devotional energy to language. The transformative quality of Blazek’s poetry, its intimacy and vision, its
perceptive meditative force, all create a brilliance awash in intelligence. My acid test for poetry is that it makes me feel excited, in the same way it did in my youth, that sense of
discovery, that sense of a new world coming into view. Blazek’s work does exactly that. Much of what I read these days seems so bland and uninteresting and I just feel alienated from it all.
Then comes along Blazek with his books full of such vivid grace and I feel at home again."—Don Domanski, author ofAll Our Wonder Unavenged