Understand small business marketing fast, without cutting corners
The ability to market your business is crucial to anyone who wants to grow their start up and build a brand. In this short, accessible book, John Sealey shares a lifetime of hard-earned wisdom
and practical advice, giving you, in straightforward language, all the insight you need to nail your small business marketing. The ’in a week’ structure explains the essentials of small
business marketing over just 7 days:
Sunday: Understand the principles that will clearly identify where your business is currently and what needs to be done
Monday: Ensure you are sowing the right seeds to attract the right type of customers with your existing marketing strategies
Tuesday: Discover how to keep your customers longer and improve your conversion rates
Wednesday: Increase customer loyalty and frequency of purchase by integrating your customers into your business
Thursday: Increase the value of your sales with effective, efficient systems and processes to drive down wastage
Friday: Grow your business by attracting new clients and building stronger relationships
Saturday: Manage your marketing activities to improve the return on your investment for the future
At the end there are questions to ensure you have taken it all in and cartoons, diagrams and visual aids throughout help makeSmall Business Marketing In A Week an enjoyable and effective
learning experience.
So what are you waiting for? Take the fast track to successful small business marketing!