Comprehensive content review, strategies, and practice for all sections of the TASC (Test Assessing Secondary Completion) from top test experts.
The TASC is a high school equivalency test that is an alternative to the GED test. New York State, Indiana, and West Virgina replaced the GED with the TASC. Individuals seeking a high school
equivalency degree in California, Nevada, New Jersey and Wyoming will take either the GED, the TASC, or a new test called the HiSET. To find out whether your state will be using the TASC for
high school equivalency test, visit or contact your state’s department of education.
This TASC self-study system includes:
- 1,000+ practice questions with detailed explanations
- 1 full-length practice test
- 1 diagnostic pretest in the book
- Guidance for setting up a personalized study plan for the book and online materials
- Expert strategies for tackling the exam
- (do we have a number?) Instructional videos online or through your mobile device
- Essential skills you’ll need to pass the reading, writing, social studies, science, and math subject areas
- Effective strategies for writing the essay
- TASC is aligned to Common Core State Standards for Reading, Writing, Mathematics and Literacy in History/Social Studies, Science, and Technical subjects