8 ACT Practice Tests is Kaplan’s latest essential ACT guide filled with the practice students need to prep for the exam this year. There is nothing like practice to help build the
necessary edge, and Kaplan’s8 ACT Practice Tests provides the realistic practice tests you need for practice. This guide is designed to help students increase speed and accuracy
with all of the different ACT question types.
Kaplan’s 8 ACT Practice Tests features:
* 8 full-length practice ACT exams with full answer explanations
* 500+ English questions
* 400+ Math questions
* 300+ Reading questions
* 300+ Science questions
* 8 essay prompts - completely updated for the revised Writing Test, complete with model essays and a self-grading guide
Kaplan guarantees that students will score higher on the ACT or get their money back.8 ACT Practice Tests is the must-have preparation tool for every student looking to score higher!