1.Many decades have passed since the peace ended between the People and the Dragons. It’s been decades since Drax the Fearsome, the Emperor of Dragons, has seen the battlefront. In this time,
he hasn’t been doing anything else than taking care of his two sons. But everything changed once Hans – the first Yellow Dragon – was born. He brings only trouble to his family. He learns to be
so evil that a war with the People seems to be imminent. But up to the war, Hans tries to help the Good Sorceress by fighting the hounds of the Grizzled Wolves. There he learns that being at
war with other creatures, isn’t exactly the Dragon’s way of life. 2.The Princess is locked in the tower, where she is giving the dragon a hard time. The Prince goes to her rescue, but gets
lost. The King is confused and doesn’t care too much about what’s happening. The dragon has a paternal love for the Princess. And there is also an old witch, trying to make the things right, in
memory of the old good times.