In the Eye of the Storm: Edgar Mittelholzer 1909-2009: Critical Perspectives
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Everybody Behaves Badly: The True Story Behind Hemingway’s Masterpiece the Sun Also Rises
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Whiteness on the Border: Mapping the U.S. Racial Imagination in Brown and White
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Masculinity After Trujillo: The Politics of Gender in Dominican Literature
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Violence Against Indigenous Women: Literature, Activism, Resistance
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Mixed Realism: Videogames and the Violence of Fiction
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Masquerade and Social Justice in Contemporary Latin American Fiction
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The Health of the State: Modern US War Narrative and the American Political Imagination, 1890-1964
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All Things Twain: An Encyclopedia of Twain’s World
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A Region Not Home: Reflections from Exile
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The Haunted Muse: Gothic and Sentiment in American Literature
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American Lit 101: From Nathaniel Hawthorne to Harper Lee and Naturalism to Magical Realism, an Essential Guide to American Write
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A Political Companion to Philip Roth
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American Autobiography After 9/11
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American Literature And Culture: 1914 to the Present
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Understanding Paul Auster
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Latin American Literature and the Great War: On the Globality of World War I
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Wendell Berry and Higher Education: Cultivating Virtues of Place