Slipknot, the instantly-recognizable heavy metal band from Des Moines, Iowa, shot to fame after the release of their first album in 1999, grabbing the attention of millions of adoring fans, and
some not-so-adoring conservative commentators. From the first, Paul Harries photographed them on stage, backstage and through artistic eyes, and Dysfunctional Family Portraits is a
fascinatingly creative look at this distinctive band.
The name Dysfunctional Family Portraits perfectly sums up the band, a dysfunctional melee of chaos and aggressive music, while the humans behind the monstrous masks remained truly close,
and their camaraderie comes across in these intimate photographic portraits. The energy and chaos of their live shows is particularly well-captured by Harries’ brilliant shots, showing them
in their natural habitat: that of loud, sweaty, energetic and adrenaline-fueled music.