From small businesses filing patents to designers protecting their copyright, from a gas station seeing its logo ripped off by a competitor to a blogger posting photographs, New Zealanders
encounter intellectual property every day. Sometimes they need to call a lawyer. But at other times, they just need to get a clear understanding of what they can and can’t do in order to go
about their business. This handy little book, written by one of the country’s leading intellectual property lawyers and author of the major texts on the subject, is an accessible introduction
to patents, trademarks, copyright and other key elements of IP. Aimed at non-lawyers looking to understand basic concepts and key issues, the book will be a guiding light through the often
murky waters of intellectual property law. What can be patented? Do you have to register a trademark? How does copyright work on the internet? Tackling common questions in concise and
accessible prose, Intellectual Property in New Zealand: A User’s Guideshould sit on the desk of entrepreneurs and designers, journalists, inventors and many more across New Zealand.
Costing about three minutes of a lawyer’s time, it’s a book worth owning.