Q & A a Day for Writers: 365 Questions for Creative Exploration: 1-year Journal
$595 -
UI/UX Design
$1,400 -
American Silver in the Art Institute of Chicago
$2,250 -
Design Museum: A-Z of Design & Designers
$1,398 -
Thinking Tools: Design as Process - on the Creation of Writing Utensils
$1,225 -
Critical Design in Context: History, Theory, and Practices
$5,130 -
The Hard Life
$1,715 -
New Deal Design
$1,225 -
Recaro: Seating in Motion
$3,080 -
Jean-michel Wilmotte: Product Design: Conception De Produits
$2,975 -
Shaping Intuition: Architecture and Interior Design
$2,625 -
The Fundamentals of Product Design
$1,293 -
Becoming a Design Entrepreneur: How to Launch Your Design-Driven Ventures from Apps to Zines
$700 -
Org Design for Design Orgs: Building and Managing In-House Design Teams
$1,050 -
Neo-Prehistory / Neo Preistoria: 100 Verbs / 100 Verbi
$1,365 -
Stile Ducati: A Visual History of Ducati Design
$2,975 -
Sifting the Trash: A History of Design Criticism
$1,223 -
Cars: Freedom Style Sex Power Motion Colour Everything
$1,050 -
UX Research: Practical Techniques for Designing Better Products
$1,050 -
Handbook of Research on Strategic Retailing of Private Label Products in a Recovering Economy