“Goodbye Paycheck. How will I live without you?”Will these be your words on the day you retire? They don’t have to be. Right this minute,you have the chance to start your own business, one that
will manufacture paychecks for therest of your life. Sound too good to be true? It’s not. It’s your 401(k), and it’s your ticket to asecure financial future. Social Security and corporate
pension plans are nothing but insecurepromises—your 401(k) puts you in charge. In Paychecks for Life, The 401k Coach® CharlesEpstein walks you through nine easy-to-understand steps for setting
up your 401(k) PaycheckManufacturing Company. You’ll discover how to:Become the boss of your financial futureUse other Other People’s money to double your ownFinance your Desirement
MortgageFollow the mantra of 10 - 1- NOW to secure your futureRelax in good financial markets and in badRetire with a paycheck for lifeYou can make your retirement dreams come true—if you take
control today.BUSINESS & ECONOMICSPersonal FinanceRetirement PlanningCover to cover, Paychecks for Life is a powerful read. No matter your age or currentfinancial situation, Charlie’s
wisdom, experience and insights will help youcreate real wealth—the kind that allows your years to not outlast your money.— JOSEPH MICHELLIAuthor of The Starbucks Experience and The New Gold