Josep Pla: Seeing the World in the Form of Articles
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John Masefield
$803 -
An Essay on the Principle of Population
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Evelyn Waugh
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Revolutionary Damnation: Badiou and Irish Fiction from Joyce to Enright
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Restoration and Eighteenth-Century Literature
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Essays in Romanticism 2015
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Zen in English Literature and Oriental Classics
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Jane Austen, the Secret Radical
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Restoration and Eighteenth-century Literature
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The Birth of Homeopathy Out of the Spirit of Romanticism
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Those Who from Afar Look Like Flies: An Anthology of Italian Poetry from Pasolini to the Present 1956-1975
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Approaches to Teaching the Middle English Pearl
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Masculinity in Middle Eastern Literature and Film
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Old English Poetry in Context
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Literature and Sustainability: Concept, Text and Culture
$4,500 -
Nation and Citizenship in the Twentieth-century British Novel
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Samuel Beckett’s German Diaries 1936-1937
$1,168 -
Telling It Slant: Critical Approaches to Helen Oyeyemi
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Transcolonial Maghreb: Imagining Palestine in the Era of Decolonization