It’s Always Wine O’clock

It’s Always Wine O’clock
NT $ 315


Down the hatch, bottoms up, make it a double—the world of drink is full of delights fit for any occasion. Wet your whistle with this collection of wit and wisdom from the most quotable quaffers.

"Whether wine is a nourishment, medicine, or poison is a matter of dosage."—Paracelsus

For the wine lover on your list, this clever collection entertains and reminds us that it’s always time to drink wine. Lift a glass, kick back, and enjoy the wit and wisdom of Frank Sinatra, William Shakespeare, Dorothy Parker, and other jovial imbibers.

Now is the time to drink!—Horace

A man ought to get drunk at least twice a year . . . so he won’t let himself get snotty about it.—Raymond Chandler

Keeping one’s guests supplied with liquor is the first law of hospitality.—Margaret Way
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