Fast-paced vigilante mystery novella, readers call DEATH IN THE DARK “hard to put down” Joy Humbolt is hiding not only from the law but also her own memories. This isolated life drinking
tequila and feeling miserable on the beach doesn’t last long though. A visit from her former partner in crime helps Joy accept her new identity as Sydney Rye.To complete the transformation, Joy
must learn to control her emotions as well as her giant aggressive dog, Blue. With the help of an expert trainer, she learns to fight with her mind as well as her body. However, when the
daughter of a close friend is brutally murdered in the desert, Rye turns away from her mentor to seek revenge. Her quick temper and deadly intentions lead Sydney Rye into a trap that she will
need all of her new skills to survive.The Sydney Rye SeriesUNLEASHED (A Sydney Rye Novel, #1)DEATH IN THE DARK (A Sydney Rye Novella, #2)INSATIABLE (A Sydney Rye Novel, #3)STRINGS OF GLASS (A
Sydney Rye Novel, #4)THE DEVIL’S BREATH (A Sydney Rye Novel, #5)INVITING FIRE (A Sydney Rye Novel, #6)Emily Kimelman’s Sydney Rye series of vigilante crime mysteries feature a strong female
protagonist and her canine best friend, Blue. It is recommended for the 18+ who enjoy some violence, don’t mind dirty language, and are up for a dash of sex. Not to mention an awesome mystery
with tons of action that will keep you reading late into the night!