Freak Show of the Gods: And Other Stories of the Bizarre

Freak Show of the Gods: And Other Stories of the Bizarre
NT $ 593
  • 作者:BlyRobert W.
  • 出版社:Quill Driver Books
  • 出版日期:2016-03-21
  • 語言:英文
  • ISBN10:1610352637
  • ISBN13:9781610352635
  • 裝訂:平裝 / 15.2 x 22.9 x 2.5 cm / 普通級


Take a trip into the unknown with this collection of mind-expanding science fiction stories in the spirit of Ray Bradbury and The Twilight Zone. “Freak Show of the Gods” presents 34 encounters with the bizarre that uncover unsettling strangeness in the midst of everyday life, including:“Van Helsing’s Last Stand”: The vampire hunter and his great enemy have one last battle … over book royalties, movie rights, and merchandising.“Early Retirement”: An aging superhero discovers he cannot qualify for Social Security … with tragic results for him and the city.“Tax Time”: A genius inventor’s plan to build a time machine can be stopped by only one force in the universe … an IRS audit.“The Emancipation of Abraham Lincoln XL-3000”: The Abraham Lincoln automaton at Disneyworld begs his creators to set him free.And 30 more strange, offbeat and bizarre tales.
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