A brand-new set of flashcards that will help you prepare for the difficult MCAT, with 550 content cards in the box and 550 drill-question cards online!
The MCAT is a critical part of the medical school admission process, and students need all the review they can get to properly prepare for the exam! This new set of flashcards will help you
learn and remember the necessary content with in-depth coverage of key subjects in every category on the MCAT: biology & biochemistry, organic chemistry, general chemistry, sociology &
psychology, critical analysis & reasoning skills, and physics & math.
The set includes both the physical box with a deck of "content review" cards (organized by subject and subcategory),plusaccess to an additional "drill card" deck of review cards
Essential MCAT Flashcards + Online features:
• Key term, test subject, and subcategory on the front
• Definition, diagram, or bulleted list of information on the back for quick but complete concept review
• Online data deck of 550 flashcards with drills to help put your knowledge to the test
• Coverage of the most important topics, formulas, phenomena, theories, and systems to help you score higher on the MCAT