Jobeth and Phoebe go back to basics in more ways than one. With the Ascension House up and running, and Jobeth busier than ever with her Investigations, Phoebe thinks it’s time that she and
Jobeth have a vacation. Especially since they have lost track of their intimate time together. She suggests a unique mountain getaway called Sleepy Cat Peak Lofty Cabins--a retreat for the gay
community where the cabins are treehouses.While Jobeth tries to resist the urge to investigate the interesting goings-on in the winter oasis, she also has to deal with some sobering questions
about her relationship with Phoebe; and although Phoebe made Jobeth promise to leave her gun and her investigative obsession at home, she can’t help but get involved in the life and drama of
the old lesbian couple who run the place.But neither Jobeth nor Phoebe expected their getaway to turn into something so pivotal to their relationship, nor to have to explore preconceived
notions so profoundly. Can Jobeth get past her own boundaries? Or will she lose Phoebe forever?