
Simon Templar is the Saint—daring, dazzling, and just a little disreputable. On the side of the law, but standing outside it, he dispenses his own brand of justice one criminal at a time.

After a fruitless chase across Europe on the tail of his enemy Rayt Marius, the Saint returns to London with a price on his head. But adventure is never far from Simon Templar’s door, and soon he finds himself rescuing Sonia Delmar, a munitions heiress, from Marius’s clutches. Sonia allies with the Saint—in a bid to prevent Marius and his ally Prince Rudolf bringing war and destruction to Europe.

Leslie Charteris was born in Singapore and moved to England in 1919. He left Cambridge University early when his first novel was accepted for publication. He wrote novels about the Saint throughout his life, becoming one of the 20th century’s most prolific and popular authors.

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