Marcus Clueless Funnycus The Centurion, is based upon a cartoon character who lived during the reign of the Roman Emperor Nero in 64 BC. Marcus Funnycus was living and working in Rome during
the time of the Great Fire when The Emperor Nero was said to have started the Great Fire himself to make way for his new palace complex, and he was believed to have been singing and playing a
musical instrument at the time. Marcus Funnycus who was living and working in Rome as a Dental Assistant to a Roman Dentist called ’Ivor LooseToothycus’ was on his only day off when the Great
Fire started and had taken his girlfriend ’Judith Ben Hur’ out to a local Barbecue when in panic whilst trying to escape the fire accidently ran into Nero knocking him flying into a Roman wall
which knocked him clean out. Due to his concussion Nero thought that Marcus Funnycus had rescued him from the Great Fire of Rome and immediately promoted him to a Centurion and head of his
personal body guard. This is a very funny fully illustrated book which will capture your imagination.