Poetry. "As if I’ve come to some lovely new abode: my dazed eyes alit in awe; my capacity for alive lucidity developed in a mere minute to be purely moved in a dedicated anatomy Nufer avowed in
a literary mode."—Ava Fedorov
"LIFELINE RULE’s is a very nicely devised, original origami: tales of a delicate nature salute fine, wary humility before set executive-like power. A line tined, a rare body, finely divided,
amuses even an irate cynic. Acute but agile, secure but arid, it iterates a syrupy, wide core. Definitively pawed open (amused or even elated), it is upon a total anatomy—careful, icily
solid—it emanates a pure tone, like we get in a rosy, natural orifice. How it entices in a dive! Seduces in a move to lure! Cajoles as a siren! Is it inimical? I’d imagine no. But it is
alive—solely here, now upon us. A sum of a total or a sole minus, it is, I muse, never a line more but a dire model of itemized, evocative names in a hopeful ode—sole lyric arisen above roles,
afore-now unexamined or unelicited. I ruminate: to revere Nufer is a fit; it is even useful. One can open one’s eyes in awe, but one can even adore how agile, he wisely (re)defines animaly
palaver in a lexicon... or is it a paradox? One to be polared? A-hah! I go for it. One fan of, I hope, many to come."—Katy Masuga