Traded for Love

Traded for Love
NT $ 675


You don’t know Jack. But you’ll learn.Jack Duncan’s cruelty has finally risen to the surface and the marriage he’d seduced Emily into seems to be quickly falling apart.He and Emily essentially live separate lives. He conducts business about which she knows nothing. She looks for a way to fill all the free time her idol life which Jack’s wealth and ambition has created for her.As her boredom and loneliness increase, she tries to create new connections for herself, but Jack’s grip on her life grows tighter. With election coming, and Jack becoming more mysterious and less present, Emily’s mind begins to wander to the “what-ifs”, which include the possible scenarios surrounding an intelligent, well-controlled mystery man who chats her up in a bookstore.When Jack takes Emily to a secret club, she finds out the truth about where he goes at night, who he’s going there with, and who he’s going to see.Emily thought she knew Jack. It turns out she was completely wrong.
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