Once upon a time there were single deck blackjack tables at every casino. Then came the card counters and the house edge disappeared. Those card counters were making so much money the casinos
resorted to using multi-decks in order to thwart card counting. Today it is hard to find a casino that offers single deck play and when you do find one with a single deck they have changed the
rules of play. The rule changes once again give the house an advantage over all players.The simple truth is, a dealer will win more hands than a player. You may sit down and play a few hands
where you have more winning hands than the dealer but if you play long enough the simple truth will take hold and the dealer will surpass you in winning hands. So how can you be a consistent
winner by playing blackjack?There is only one possible answer; you must bet more on winning hands and bet less on losing hands. If we had a crystal ball to forecast the winning hands there
would be no casinos because we would wipe them all out with our winnings.Lacking that crystal ball we need a method of betting that will allow us to bet more on our winning hands than on our
losing hands. This book and the down loadable program will show you two different methods of doing that. Short of greed and stupidity there is absolutely no reason you can’t win hundreds of
dollars every time you play blackjack.