Interviews with Phyllis Galde (Fate magazine), Gordon Van Gelder (Fantasy and Science Fiction) and Matthew Turcotte (Archie digest collector); articles on Galaxy Science Fiction, the girlie
digests of Myron Fass, The Big Story, protective sleeves for digests; fiction by Lesann Berry, Richard Krauss and Joe Wehrle, Jr.; reviews of Fate #725, Fate trading cards, Paperback Parade #85
and Coronet June 1950; and Rob Imes’ In Defense of Digests.Contributors: Lesann Berry, Tom Brinkmann, David Burnette, Rob Imes, Charlie Jacobs, Larry Johnson, Richard Krauss, Michael Neno,
Rudolph Schmidt, Matthew Turcotte, Bob Vojtko, Joe Wehrle, Jr. and D. Blake Werts.Contains explicit language.