The lives of friends Chase Stewart, Samantha Stewart and Nathan Clevinger change forever when Samantha Stewart marries plantation owner, Grady Reynolds and leaves her life in Washington, D. C.
to travel to his plantation in South Carolina. The 1859 move is ill-timed as the Civil War is brewing on the horizon. Grady struggles with a smart and opinionated young wife while Samantha
struggles with their differences and plantation life.Chase Stewart, Samantha’s brother, is commissioned by his father to skirt both union and confederate lines to bring Samantha back to their
ailing mother.A disillusioned Nathan Clevinger, friend and potential suitor for Samantha, joins union forces and deals with the horrors of war.The childhood connection the three have gives them
insight andcourage as each face their individual struggles. Is it enough to bring themback together in this time of turmoil?Follow the adventures of the three friends as Chase makes the
treacherous trip, as Samantha learns to carve out her own life in the south and as Nathan Clevinger deals with the horrors of war.When Magnolias Bloom is a tender story of intrigue, heartache
andromance.Inspirational - Clean - Historical Romance