Un hombre mexicano de clase media inicia un viaje por el submundo estadounidense.
"De alguna forma era una metáfora el ir en dirección a un lugar sin moverte, ser feliz en un viaje sin traslado."
Un joven mexicano de clase media llega a Estados Unidos. Huye de su vida en México y emprende un viaje por distintas ciudades norteamericanas, donde se abandona al frenesí: fiestas, drogas y
encuentros sexuales.
Inscrito en la tradición de la narrativa de viaje, Bajo el puente nos lleva de la mano, con prosa mordaz, ácida y desenfrenada, al periplo de nuestro protagonista: un hombre desesperado por
reescribir su historia pero que está destinado a confrontar los fantasmas y el dolor del pasado.
English Description
So this is the height of civilization? Houses that are 79% plastic, cheap and brittle like humans; hamburgers; hot dogs; SUVs; M16s; Apache helicopters; World Wars; Hershey’s; Hummers;
iPhones Sitting on a wooden bench, with his legs stretched out over his bike and a t-shirt that reads But before, I was human,” the protagonist of this novel asks himself this question. He
has crossed a great stretch of the United States and in every place, he has seen immigrants who just want to stay, to be part of the country, to feel accepted. But he is just there, flying
under the radar, taking advantage of the benefits that the Empire offers, even if it seems decadent, and fleeing from dense shadows: murder, incest, an underdeveloped country, death, prison,