A breathtaking celebration of a unique garden combining Scandinavian design with temperate climate plants an Australian setting
The garden at Wychwood, at the foot of Great Western Tiers in northern Tasmania, is one of the world’s most magical gardens. Wychwood combines Scandinavian design sensibilities with
temperate-climate cottage-garden charm. And to top it off there’s a creek at the back that is home to a platypus family. Twenty-two years ago Swedish born Peter Cooper and Australian Karen
Hall set about transforming 2.5 acres of bare paddock into a self-sufficient and ornamental garden. Now as "complete" as any creative project can be, Wychwood commemorates the making of an
exquisite high-maintenance garden, detailing the techniques and secrets of its design success and offering inspiration at every turn. Peter’s beautiful and haunting photography captures how
the garden has evolved and grown into its surroundings.