In 1972, on the day of his sentencing, renowned artist and serial killer Marden Hexcamp is shot dead in the courtroom. Members of his Mansonesque band of followers are imprisoned or simply
disappear.Fast-forward more than thirty years: A suspected prostitute is found murdered in a candlelit motel room, the first in a series of horrors suggesting Hexcamp’s art remains alive and
treacherous. Following a trail of beautiful – and profoundly disturbing – artwork, homicide detectives Carson Ryder and Harry Nautilus descend into the shocking world of the Death Collectors,
people who spend vast sums to collect serial-killer memorabilia. As Ryder and Nautilus race to solve a thirty-year conspiracy, it becomes sadly evident that at the intersection of art and
madness, death is beauty, tragedy a memento, and suffering suitable for framing.