These first two decades of the 21st century have seen a resurgence in the completely natural and manly practice of beard-wearing. Where once a lush growth of facial hair was seen only as the
purview of primitive man and perhaps of those concerned with the noble art and practice of lumberjackery, appreciation of a full complement of whiskers has come full circle. This amazing book,
based on an 1870s lecture tour by an almost unknown pro-beard activist in Britain has finally found its place. It has found itself to be the Great Manifesto of the Beard Renaissance. Get back
to basics, follow the Philosophy of Beards. Delivered in a larger 6 x 9 paperback format, this book belongs on the coffee table of every beard-wielding, or yet-to-be beard wielding man. Ladies,
does your man refuse to embrace his birthright and grow a beard? This deadpan tome will provide you with enough ammunition to nag that boy in your life into finally becoming a man. Fellas, does
the love of your life express an almost unbelievable disdain for the very idea of you sporting a majestic chin-beaver? Simply slip this convincingly argumentative literary masterpiece into her
handbag or under her pillow and watch with wonder as the scales of ignorance fall from her eyes.