
Spanish Description

Esta es la historia de una mujer que soñó con ser modista de alta costura en París y cumple tardíamente su deseo. Aunque eso la lleve a cuestionar su vida de casada y todas sus elecciones. La autora de la exitosa La gente feliz lee y toma café (cuya coproducción cinematográfica ya está en marcha) ha escrito una novela sumamente atractiva, cruce de la película Sabrina y El Diablo se viste de Prada.

English Description

A sharp look at the world of women and our amazing capacity for emotion.
This is the story of a woman who dreamed of being a designer of high fashion in Paris and fulfills her dream too late. However, this leads her to question her married life and all of her choices. A beautiful story, filled with moving passages that alternate with funny situations and a whole spectrum of emotions as life resumes its course.

AGNÈS MARTIN-LUGAND (1979) is a clinical psychologist, and for more than six years worked in the field of child protection in Rouen, France. After facing numerous publisher rejections, she decided to self-publish Happy People Read and Drink Coffee on Amazon in December of 2012. Her novella quickly reached the top of the charts, and was the first case of a self-published author contracted by a traditional publishing house in France. The rights have been sold in eighteen countries and will soon be adapted for film in an international production.
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