Movies can be a powerful teaching tool in Business Ethics. The actions of characters in films compellingly portray the ethical quandaries and moral decision-making that play out in the modern
workplace. But what can Salmon Fishing in Yemen tell us about the recent European horsemeat scandal? Or Groundhog Day teach us about a Dunkin’ Donuts ad campaign? Business Ethics Through
Movies: A Case Study Approach examines a wide range of ethical dilemmas, principles and moral reasoning that arise in contemporary business through a series of popular films and real-world case
Whether through the actions of a whistleblower like Jeffrey Wigand from The Insider, or the morally suspect behavior of JIM Street’s Gordon Gekko, chapters reveal surprising parallels between
movies and actual cases in business ethics - ethical issues relating to corporate decision-making, the workplace. employer/employee conflicts, customer concerns, product safety controversies,
the role of technology, the environment, human rights, justice, and more.
The first unit looks at integrity, greed, and the impact of technology, followed by the second unit’s coverage of the major ethical theories. The concluding Unit 3 addresses pressing problems
that put our moral reasoning skills to the test - such as pay inequities, workplace violence, harassment and bullying, and environmental disasters.
Innovative and thought-provoking, Business Ethics Through Movies: A Case Study Approach offers a wealth of illuminating insights into key issues surrounding the field of Business Ethics.