The West has always been a symbol of the wild frontier, rugged adventure, and dangerous exploration. However, if it wasn’t for fear of the unknown, the West would just be another cardinal
direction.Old Scratch and Owl Hoots delves into that fear and captures it in fourteen tales of terror set in the West ranging from the 1800s to the present day.Take a gander inside and you’ll
find stories dealing with……a strange creature on Antelope Island that can never satisfy its hunger……a young girl kidnapped by highwaymen; but she carries a dangerous secret……a woman’s vacation
to Zion National Park that takes a dark turn when she can’t stop hearing the cries of a newborn baby……an outlaw on the run from Porter Rockwell who finds more than he bargains for in the Utah
wilderness……a war veteran who carries a darkness inside him that threatens his very own family.Experience these stories and more in Old Scratch and Owl Hoots. All the stories in the anthology
are written by authors with Utah connections. Some are veterans at the craft, while others are making their debut.Cozy up next to a campfire and delve into these fourteen stories and find out
why it’s dangerous to be out and about in the West when the sun goes down.