88 Maps: Poems

88 Maps: Poems
NT $ 630
  • 作者:CarneyRob
  • 出版社:Lost Horse Pr
  • 出版日期:2015-08-17
  • 語言:英文
  • ISBN10:0990819337
  • ISBN13:9780990819332
  • 裝訂:平裝 / 14 x 21.6 x 1.3 cm / 普通級


88 Maps is Rob Carney’s 4th full-length collection of poems that discusses how to find our way around in the New West, how to live in its physical and metaphysical suburbs. It’s about the times, places, and wildness we should say yes to by praising and laughing and telling stories. And it’s about looking at all our real and figurative cul-de-sacs and saying no. It’s a collection of praise songs, mini-essays, challenges to rampant development and the injustice of market-crashed home foreclosures, and narratives commemorating the last best places, and 21st century fables.

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