“Submitted for Your Approval,” is the first short-story anthology from Rod Serling Books - a collection of works written in the Serling genre or, in the consensus of the editorial board, a
story that Rod, himself, would have considered worthy of being included. As one of the world’s foremost storytellers, Serling was primarily concerned with the well-being of humanity and the
creation of commentative works of social and moral relevance. It is with this spirit that Mariel Cooksey, James Goertel, Tim Johnston, Sara Jordan, Ken Knight, Michael Lizarraga, Lisa
Manderosian-Saleski, Doug Nufer, Terry Persun, Carl Rafala, and Lindy Spencer submitted their works, which vary in length from short-story to novella. As with Serling’s body of work, not all
are tales of fantasy. They are, however, very Serling-like in terms of being thought provoking; concerned with the human condition; and fine examples of the art of storytelling.As for the art
of storytelling, we were thrilled to affirm that it is so very alive and flourishing. With the publication of this anthology and an exciting new anthology just around the corner, we continue to
collect submissions from talented writers around the world; develop new anthology ideas; and most of all, champion writers, without whom the theater, film, television, and publishing industries
would cease to exist.