《M Train》故事的開端–格林威治村的一個小咖啡廳,那兒是作者派蒂.史密斯(Patti Smith)每天都會來上一杯黑咖啡、沈思世界為何是現在這等樣貌的地方。在派蒂的筆記本裡,一篇篇散文,雋永書寫出一條流暢的思路:夢想與現實、過去與現在,還有那一道道充滿靈感與渴望的絕美風景。
作者的感性與藝術人的創造力,交織出這本書的梗概,其中也包含了Patti在密西根生活的點滴觀察,以及她失去丈夫Fred Sonic Smith那無法彌補的回憶
《M Train》是關於文學、咖啡以及逝去的愛,一本Patti遊走全世界的旅行沈思。本書低調卻充滿能量,是最能了解傳奇藝術家Patti Smith思想的「路線指南」。(文/ 博客來編譯)
From the National Book Award–winning author of Just Kids: an unforgettable odyssey of a legendary artist, told through the prism of the cafés and haunts she has worked in around the world. It
is a book Patti Smith has described as "a roadmap to my life."
M Train begins in the tiny Greenwich Village café where Smith goes every morning for black coffee, ruminates on the world as it is and the world as it was, and writes in her notebook. Through
prose that shifts fluidly between dreams and reality, past and present, and across a landscape of creative aspirations and inspirations, we travel to Frida Kahlo's Casa Azul in Mexico; to a
meeting of an Arctic explorer's society in Berlin; to a ramshackle seaside bungalow in New York's Far Rockaway that Smith acquires just before Hurricane Sandy hits; and to the graves of Genet,
Plath, Rimbaud, and Mishima.
Woven throughout are reflections on the writer's craft and on artistic creation. Here, too, are singular memories of Smith's life in Michigan and the irremediable loss of her husband, Fred
Sonic Smith.
Braiding despair with hope and consolation, illustrated with her signature Polaroids, M Train is a meditation on travel, detective shows, literature, and coffee. It is a powerful, deeply
moving book by one of the most remarkable multiplatform artists at work today.