Written by business and economics scholars from Europe and Taiwan, the 18 essays in this volume examine international business alliances and networks. The first section addresses research on
diaspora networks in international business, the role of cultural and cultural differences and their impact on alliance performance, hybrid forms of organizing in international entrepreneurship
research, and transaction cost economics research on cross-border business activity. The second section discusses conceptual developments related to the international growth of born-global
firms in institutionally distant markets from a network perspective, the internal structures of a multinational corporation and its effects on subsidiaries’ organizational performance, as well
as the determinants, consequences, and moderators of knowledge transfer and organizational learning processes in international strategic alliances, the use of network pictures as a research
method, the drivers of alliance performance and repeated contracting in international strategic alliances from the perspective of information asymmetry, and the changing networks during the
transformation from a centrally planned to a market economy in Russia. The final section covers networks and alliances in different empirical contexts, including the networks of born-global
firms in the Irish digital animation industry, collaborative market entry strategies of Finnish multinational enterprises, an Eastern European company, international joint ventures of American
firms, the role of network brokerage in the integration of mergers and acquisitions, account managers as central actors in global customer networks, and the development of network competence in
internationalizing small and medium-sized enterprises. Annotation ©2015 Ringgold, Inc., Portland, OR (protoview.com)