With details on everything from Coney Island to BAM, this is the only guide a native or traveler needs.
The Not For Tourists Guide to Brooklyn is a map-based, neighborhood-by-neighborhood approach to New York’s most dynamic borough. The Brooklyn guide covers 16 neighborhoods, with
information on services and entertainment venues: everything from restaurants, movie theaters, bagel shops, and bars to landmarks, art galleries, transportation, and parks.
Want to eat the best Mexican tacos and Salvadorian pupusas? NFT has you covered. How about a list of the hippest coffee houses and coolest bars? We’ve got that, too. The nearest beach, hidden
park, pizza place, or bookstorewhatever you needNFT puts it at your fingertips. This light and portable guide also features:
A foldout map that covers the entire borough, including streets, subways, and buses
More than 75 neighborhood maps and profiles
Listings for nightlife hotspots
Details on museums and sports
Essential Brooklyn books and movies
This guide is a must-have for all Brooklynites and their outta-town visitors.