The French Art Novel, 1900 - 1930
$5,400 -
Curatorial Roundtable
$350 -
Art and Text
$1,048 -
Entangled: Threads and Making
$1,223 -
Actors, Networks, Theories / D’un Discours Qui Ne Serait Pas Du Semblant
$1,223 -
Liu Dan: New Landscapes and Old Masters
$1,050 -
Hexen 2.0 Tarot
$1,048 -
The Manuscript Average
$1,125 -
Bento’s Sketchbook
$525 -
100 Boots: A Book of Postcards
$453 -
Willem De Rooij: Index
$1,798 -
The Last Words of Antonin Artaud
$2,475 -
Culture and Commerce: Cultural Policy and Economic Value in the Creative Industries
$1,798 -
Floating Time: Chinese Prints 1954-2002
$1,225 -
See Yourself X: Human Futures Expanded
$1,575 -
William Van Alen, Fred T. Ley and the Chrysler Building
$1,798 -
Towards an Aesthetics of Production
$1,350 -
Relational Art: A Guided Tour
$4,455 -
Wild New Territories
$1,048 -
Sigmar Polke: Eine Winterreise