The idea for this book came from my decision to update an article by Roy C. McCullough entitled "Insurance Rates in the Courts" published in the June and July 1961 issues of the Insurance Law
Journal. When this project began, the intention was to produce a similar journal article surveying insurance rate litiga tion between 1960 and the present using basically the same organization
followed in the seminal article. However, the volume of reported cases during the last twenty years was much larger than anticipated and the issues being litigated had expanded dramatically.
The project grew as my study progressed, and the resulting book surveys more than three hundred disputes involving insurance ratemaking and insurance rate regulation. The fruition of this
project would not have been possible without the consistent encouragement and criticism of Roy McCullough, and it is with gratitude that I acknowledge his continuous and valuable assistance to
me in this effort. Once an initial draft was prepared, a number of my associates cooperated by reading and commenting on the manuscript. I would like to give special thanks to Michael J. Miller
and James F. Perry who unselfishly shared their time and knowledge to improve this work. Needless to say, none of those who read the manuscript is responsible for any errors in concept or
detail that may remain.