Sandra Polley’s Knitted Toys: Animals, Dolls and Teddies for All Ages
$523 -
Great Book of Wooden Toys: More Than 50 Easy-to-Build Projects
$698 -
Dribble Drabble: Process Art Experiences for Young Children
$628 -
Knit a Square, Create a Cuddly Creature: From Flat to Fabulous - A Step-by-Step Guide
$698 -
Japanese Paper Toys Kit: Origami Paper Toys That Walk, Jump, Spin, Tumble and Amaze!
$523 -
How to Make Heirloom Teddy Bears
$873 -
Screen-Free Crafts Kids Will Love: Hands-On Projects That Promote Learning
$558 -
Origami Finger Puppets: Fun Origami for Pinkies, Pointers, and Thumbs
$595 -
Pompom Crafts: 17 Fun Projects to Make
$348 -
101 Things for Kids to Do on a Rainy Day
$698 -
Japanese Origami Kit for Kids: 92 Colorful Folding Papers and 12 Original Origami Projects for Hours of Creative Fun!
$453 -
It’s a Small World Felted Friends: Cute and Cuddly Needle Felted Figures from Around the World
$453 -
The Big Book of 100 Little Activities
$698 -
Origami Birds
$418 -
Gorros, manoplas, patucos y bufandas: 20 Divertidos Proyectos De Punto Para Pequeños Monstruitos
$873 -
Mini Makers: Crafty Makes to Create With Your Kids
$698 -
Yarn Whirled: Fairytales, Fables and Folklore: Characters You Can Craft With Yarn
$698 -
The Knitted Teddy Bear: Make Your Own Heirloom Toys, With Dozens of Patterns for Unique Clothing
$348 -
Fold & Fly Butterflies, Birds, and Other Animals That Fly: Over 25 Paper Creations That Fly
$560 -
10-Fold Origami: Fabulous Paperfolds You Can Make in Just 10 Steps!