This work offers a translation of a 1672 document, the earliest known book-length biography of an African woman, written by Africans. The document details the life of Walatta Petros, an
Ethiopian noblewoman, saint, and radical religious leader who led a movement to preserve African Christian beliefs against Jesuits who tried to convert Africans from their ancient from of
Christianity. The biography tells of her accomplishments in preserving Ethiopian Christianity and also gives details on her relationship with a female partner. The book includes an extensive
introduction on historical, religious, and literary context, authorship, female saints, and translation issues. The book also contains translations of stories of her miracles and poems in her
honor, plus a chronology of Walatta Petros’s life, b&w maps, and a glossary, along with color photos of historical paintings from early manuscripts. Annotation ©2015 Ringgold, Inc.,
Portland, OR (