
Business as usual is an inadequate response to the problems emerging in the world around us. Effectively addressing today’s increasingly complex and pressing global issues requires a fundamental change in the role corporations play in the world.

Stewardship entails a profound understanding and acceptance of the challenges that result from the organization’s interdependence with the societal and ecological contexts in which it operates and embracing the challenges to be a force for building a viable future. Corporate metrics of success, business practices, and organizational designs are inadequate for the task of addressing these emergent challenges. Such an agenda represents fundamental change for the corporate world, and even the most advanced corporations consider themselves to be in the starting block of this transition.

This book provides research-based--but at the same time practical--guidance on how companies can resolve the paradoxical challenges they face and what they need to become. How can they be both profitable and responsible, effective and ethical, sustainable and adaptable? It explores what businesses are doing, what they can and should do to effectively respond to external challenges, and focuses on how leaders can create cultures, strategies, and designs far beyond business as usual.
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