★ 2015年法國圖書大獎La Nuit du Livre得主
★ 與立體書大師Robert Sabuda齊名的法國知名紙雕家Hélène Druvert以充滿詩意的細膩手法,呈現巴黎地景及美好片刻
★ 艾菲爾鐵塔125週年慶最佳紀念
這本美麗的紙藝書,為讀者獻上閃閃發光的魔幻力量。(文/ 博客來編譯)
The Eiffel Tower is bored today
Wouldn’t it be nice to fly away?
Paris is full of things to do –
The Tower would like to see them too
The Tower takes off for the day
To watch the city work and play…
The Eiffel Tower is bored ... so it decides to cut loose and fly over Paris! Sailing through the night air, it glides over the Seine; a short hop away, it’s Opera. It weaves through the crowd
and department stores, falls asleep in the sun, and wakes up to the jangling bells of Notre Dame. This beautifully crafted book, full of meticulous lasercuts, is a wonderfully imaginative
introduction to Paris for young children.