故事開始於1766年的一場船難。比利.漫威(Billy Marvel),悲劇的唯一倖存者,獨自一人試著重返社會,直到他在倫敦劇院找到一份演員工作,並展開一段跨越五個世代的戲劇王朝之旅。
1990年,約瑟夫(Joseph Jervis)逃離寄宿學校,投靠他從未見過的遠房親戚:艾伯特叔叔。正當約瑟夫掙扎著在這世上尋找一塊屬於他的立足之地時,卻也正誤打誤撞,揭開了漫威家族錯綜複雜,卻又與約瑟夫命運相繫的一連串秘密。
《The Marvels》是《雨果的秘密》作者Brian Selznick創新之作,本書最特別之處在於內容分為兩大部分,約400頁的篇幅是插畫,三分之一的篇幅則是文字描述。插圖和散文提供了兩個不同的故事,但在小說結尾,作者卻巧妙地匯集兩個看似不相關的故事架構,創造出一個複雜、但卻有十足凝聚力的故事。
充滿活力的人物描寫,再加上曲折的故事情節,全新的創作經驗,《The Marvels》將是你2015年必讀的最佳創意小說。
Caldecott Award winner and bookmaking trailblazer Brian Selznick once again plays with the form he invented and takes readers on an awe-inspiring voyage!
Two seemingly unrelated stories-one in words, the other in pictures-come together with spellbinding synergy! The illustrated story begins in 1766 with Billy Marvel, the lone survivor of a
shipwreck, and charts the adventures of his family of actors over five generations. The prose story opens in 1990 and follows Joseph, who has run away from school to an estranged uncle's
puzzling house in London, where he, along with the reader, must piece together many mysteries. How the picture and word stories intersect will leave readers marveling over Selznick's
storytelling prowess.
Filled with mystery, vibrant characters, surprise twists, and heartrending beauty, and featuring Selznick's most arresting art to date, The Marvels is a moving tribute to the power of