Speculative Formalism: Literature, Theory, and the Critical Present
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Thinking with Kant’s Critique of Judgment
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The Technological Introject: Friedrich Kittler Between Implementation and the Incalculable
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The Making of Jane Austen
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Narrative Theory: A Critical Introduction
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Inventing Agency: Essays on the Literary and Philosophical Production of the Modern Subject
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Oliver Wendell Holmes Jr., Pragmatism, and the Jurisprudence of Agon: Aesthetic Dissent and the Common Law
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The Tragic Imagination
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The Cambridge Companion to Literature and the Posthuman
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Fueling Culture: 101 Words for Energy and Environment
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Thinking Literature Across Continents
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Speculative Formalism: Literature, Theory, and the Critical Present
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Oscillations of Literary Theory: The Paranoid Imperative and Queer Reparative
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Barthes: A Biography
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Character and Person
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Readings of Derrida
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The Value of Literature
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Anti-book: On the Art and Politics of Radical Publishing
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The Writer in the Well: On Misreading and Rewriting Literature
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The Semiotics of Emoji: The Rise of Visual Language in the Age of the Internet