Llewellyn’s Daily Planetary Guide Is Your Personal Star Power Planner
Plan your days using cosmic energies—it’s easy with the most trusted and astrologically detailed guide available. Before you plan a vacation, sign a contract, or schedule an important event,
consult the weekly forecasts and Opportunity Periods—times when the positive flow of energy is at its peak. Designed with both astrological newcomers and professionals in mind, this
comprehensive and essential guide is your key to a smooth and successful year.
Weekly forecasts by Pam Ciampi ?
Opportunity Periods for 2016 by Jim Shawvan ?
Planet retrograde and direct station times
Moon sign, phase, and void-of-course periods
A guide to planetary sightings & eclipses in 2016
Planet and moon aspects and ingress times?
Ephemeris tables that include Chiron & four asteroids ?
Planetary hours with complete instructions ??
The world’s leading planetary guide for over 30 years