Correct preparation is important in all aspects of life, but if you fail to warm up properly before playing tennis it could land you in the hospital for weeks. Just look how often
professional tennis players are getting injuredsometimes bringing an early end to a promising careerand consider that these athletes are in peak physical shape. So just imagine the risk you
are putting yourself at when you venture out for your weekly tennis match.
With images illustrating the exercises to accompany the text, Safe Tennis teaches you how to avoid these injuries and how to properly prepare yourself with detailed warm-up plans and
exercises that specifically strengthen you for the sport of tennis. This includes stretching exercises that are designed by physical therapists who specialize in sports medicine. You will
also learn the correct way to cool down after your match because injuries can arise if you let your body cool too quickly. Without the worry of nagging injuries, your time on the court will
be that much more enjoyable.