紐伯瑞兒童文學獎得主Rebecca Stead的2015最新力作,三位誓言絕不爭吵的少女,在青澀的生活冒險中,她們的承諾還能持續嗎?
《Goodbye Stranger》闡述一段發生在紐約的青少年青澀故事,這群青少年在乎的是友誼、忠誠,甚至是生命的意義,而這本書也探索了在網路世界裡,一張照片,可能帶來怎樣的軒然大波。作者透過極輕的筆觸,描寫友誼碰觸人性的多元角度,乍看之下只是一本輕小說,但這三個女孩的冒險故事,卻譜出一段不落俗套且極受歡迎的經典佳作。(文/ 博客來編譯)
This brilliant novel by Newbery Medal winner Rebecca Stead explores multiple perspectives on the bonds and limits of friendship.
Bridge is an accident survivor who’s wondering why she’s still alive. Emily has new curves and an almost-boyfriend who wants a certain kind of picture. Tabitha sees through everybody’s
games—or so she tells the world. The three girls are best friends with one rule: No fighting. Can it get them through seventh grade?
This year everything is different for Sherm Russo as he gets to know Bridge Barsamian. What does it mean to fall for a girl—as a friend?
On Valentine’s Day, an unnamed high school girl struggles with a betrayal. How long can she hide in plain sight?
Each memorable character navigates the challenges of love and change in this captivating novel.