Twentieth-Century Literary Criticism: Criticism of the Works of Novelists, Poets, Playwrights, Short-Story Writers, and Other Cr
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Literature, Science and Religion in Constantijn Huygens’ Ooghentroost
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The Timelessness of Proust
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The Aesthetics of Children’s Poetry: A Study of Children’s Verse in English
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Trollope Underground
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The Purple Decades: A Reader
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Body Language: Narrating Illness and Disability
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William T. Vollmann: Writing America’s Other Histories
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Unperfect Histories: The Mirror for Magistrates 1559-1610
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Proust, China and Intertextual Engagement: Translation and Transcultural Dialogue
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A Manifesto for Literary Studies
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The Hardships of the English Laws in Relation to Wives by Sarah Chapone
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Critical Practice: Theorists and Creativity
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Male Adolescence in Mid-victorian Fiction: George Meredith, W. M. Thackeray, and Anthony Trollope
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Mixing Memory and Desire: The Great War in Contemporary Commonwealth Fiction
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The Canon
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Inventing the Popular in Nineteenth-century France: Printing, Politics, and Poetics
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The Social Work of Narrative: Human Rights and the Cultural Imaginary
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Comparative Literature in Britain: National Identities, Transnational Dynamics, 1800-2000
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Mendacity and the Figure of the Liar in Seventeenth-Century French Comedy