Fairytale Pop Up Sounds: Pinocchio

Fairytale Pop Up Sounds: Pinocchio
NT $ 824


  提到《小木偶歷險記》,小朋友一定會對一說謊鼻子會變長、說實話鼻子會回復原樣的小木偶—皮諾丘有很深刻的印象。 現在,這本廣受小朋友喜愛的經典童話, 將全新呈現在這本有聲立體書裡!童趣的插畫,配搭符合故事情境的專屬音效,將再次帶你重返《小木偶歷險記》的經典畫面:糟糕!小木偶受到誘惑跟著狐狸去馬戲團了;大鯨魚張開了大嘴,吞下了父親和小木偶;最終,小木偶通過一連串的考驗變身成為一個真正的小男孩。在這個家喻戶曉的義大利經典童話裡,讓我們再次見證小木偶的成長歷程,看原本有點懶惰、愛說謊、禁不住誘惑的皮諾丘如何發現良心並聽取忠告,蛻變成一位勇敢、不自私的真正男孩。【文∕博客來外文館】

  Children's favorite, the much-loved naughty puppet Pinocchio, comes to life again in this fun-packed retelling. Crafted by the toy maker Geppetto, Pinocchio learns that to be a real little boy you must be honest, generous and brave. With magical sounds to accompany the story, readers join Pinocchio (and the Blue Fairy who watches over him) as he goes to a puppet show, a circus and even finds himself swallowed by a whale!
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