Meet Me in Atlantis: Across Three Continents in Search of the Legendary Sunken City
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From Where We Stand: Recovering a Sense of Place
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The Japan and India Journals 1960-1964
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Can We Live Here?: Finding a Home in Paradise
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The Oregon Trail: A New American Journey
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Rising Ground: A Search for the Spirit of Place
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The Joys of Travel: And Stories That Illuminate Them
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The Road to Little Dribbling: Adventures of an American in Britain
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The Last Stop: Vanishing Rest Stops of the American Roadside
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Atlas of an Anxious Man
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Meandering: Notes of a Mississippi Riverlorian
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Zoroaster’s Children: And Other Travels
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Wings: Gifts of Art, Life, and Travel in France
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The Comfort Food Diaries: My Quest for the Perfect Dish to Mend a Broken Heart
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The Road to Little Dribbling: Adventures of an American in Britain
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Journey Interrupted: A Family Without a Country in a World at War
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Excursions into Modernism: Women Writers, Travel, and the Body
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The William Penn Highway
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Kingdoms in the Air: Dispatches from the Far Away
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Early Modern Exchanges: Dialogues Between Nations and Cultures, 1550-1800