看著小小種子,因著四季的遞嬗循環,慢慢長成了一顆梨子樹。插畫家暨藝術家Jenny Bowers在她第一本繪本中,用翻翻書的概念,設計超過二十個充滿巧思的機關,隨著四季的變化,每一頁對春、夏、秋、冬都用不同的色彩搭配特別的圖素做出不同的詮釋。迷人的文字敘述交織著活潑明亮的繪畫風格,佐以互動式的遊戲翻頁,使此書在生硬的科學知識書中,獨樹一格。【文∕博客來外文館】
Watch a tiny seed grow through the seasons into a fine pear tree in this beautifully presented first book from artist/illustrator Jenny Bowers. This upmarket lift-flap format, showcasing
vibrant artwork with over 20 flaps to discover, is teamed with charming text, making this the perfect interactive primer to a key scientific topic.